Della Sorte Newsletter March 2019

Ride in style - The car

Because dogs are nice, but cars are men's best friends! Call it passion, discipline or hobby, for many driving and mastering a precision-made machine it's, in fact, pure thrills, if not real love.

Thus, whether you focus on the comfort and the design, or you are an expert on each and every little valve of your four wheels, or you want a "low flying jet", well, in every case you will always need to dress appropriately to make the most out of your driving experience.

No problem, at Della Sorte we know how to dress a real "gentleman driver" and we can provide the shirt which will allow perfect movement and overall comfort without compromising your style.

Try Twill 140, a fabric whose features make it perfect for hitting the road. Luminous but not too shiny, flexible, comfortable, Twill 140 gives you freedom of movement and the right amount of coverage to wear your shirt with or without a jacket.

Order now the perfect shirt to hit the tarmac on your flaming Ferrari or a family car! 

Send an email, call us or book your slot with David over his next visit to London from the 12h to the 14h of March. He will make sure to find the perfect fabric and create your next favorite shirt to drive with!


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